Left 4 Winchester

Left 4 Winchester

Author L4W Team
Date of release WIP - not released


Left 4 Winchester is a Left 4 Dead Campaign based on Shaun of the Dead (Movie). The goal of the campaign is to make it from shauns house to the winchester (with some stops along the way of course).

Chapter 1: Shawn's Pad

Players start in the shed (found in Shaun's backyard), equipped with Left 4 Dead's First Tier weapons, and they must work their way through Shauns house, onto the street, and through the neighborhood to the backroom of the corner shop.

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Chapter 2: Mum's House

Players start in the back room of the corner shop, and must work their way to Shaun's Mum's house, where the map ends.

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Chapter 3: Lizz's Flat

Players start in Shaun's Mum's house, and must work their way to Lizz's flat (expect some trouble along the way) where they enter the rear of the building and take safety inside Lizz's Flat. (Apartment)

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Chapter 4: To the Winchester

Players start in Lizz's flat (Apartment) and must work their way outside, then through some tough situations and into the Winchester, where they find saftey in the back room. (or so they think…)

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Chapter 5: Survive the Winchester

Players start in the back room of the Winchester Pub, and must survive inside long enough for the power to come on, allowing them to use the lift found in the cellar, then wait long enough for the APC to arrive upon exiting the lift.

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