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Zombies on a Bus
Author | Ajax |
Date of release | WIP - not released |
.bsp filename | l4d_vs_zoab_b01 |
This was started for Zombie Panic Source as a "last stand" idea. The last stand was to take place on a bus…just a small map, the survivors are in their bus and the hordes of Zombies keep swarming. However, it has now been transformed into a Left 4 Dead idea with a possible campaign. Map 1 would be finding the bus and getting it repaired and running. Map 2 was going to be getting extra supplies then driving the bus out of town (for driving a path track would be laid out and as long as a survivor was at the wheel, the bus would follow its path). Map 3 would see you running out of fuel out in the country…there would be a farmhouse and barn where you would have to get get fuel and bring it back to your bus.
The bus is built with destroyable seating, side panels, and roof panels. After several waves though, the side panels start to take a beating and the horde begins to pour in from all over.
Additional info
- Updates can also be found at l4dmods.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=572.
- Will be made into a campaign (see poster).
Additional credits
- Please be nice and provide constructive feedback :)
if it's really possible to have a track and the bus to follow it, then it might be fun to play… something really different… But I'm not so sure this is possible… Never seen anything like it in the source engine
by the way… really nice design with the bus… to imagine that is made with brushes… really nice job
Probably the same as elevators.. because come on theres vehicle in the campaign as escape vehicles…. what kind of game would it be if it didnt have that possibility.. even duke 3d had it!
It's possible, ofcourse. Remember the kick ass opening scene on the monorail in HL1? It has been redone in HL: Source! You should definitely check that map for reference..
It is indeed possible, will be a very large map however, unless the map is plit up into however many. In this case it will be very easy to create the track and just have the bus drive a short way untill the map changes to the next one.
The idea of having a bus drive along a track over a long distance on built roads on the map is very imaginative and i look forward to seeing if it works, it may well be future source.
1. Make roof destructible.
2. Zombies destroy roof.
3. Top down zombie madness.
4. Win.
Hey folks, I did not know my maps were on this site, so I thought I'd join so I could add updates now and then. I keep my main page at l4dmods.com up to date. I've got some fun stuff working in this map. I'm currently experimenting with a trackless bus that is physbox based so it can be entirely controlled by the player. Thanks for the comments so far!!
you need a tagline to your poster! the obvius choice is "im sick of these mother-f*cking zombies on this mother-f*cking bus!"
Krótko pewnie to jest mapka (no właśnie dawno już nie sprawdzałem kampanii i map do Na Lewo Po Śmierć ) pewnie ,,Nieumarli w Atoubusie" to jakaś krótka mapka pewnie nawet nie .vpk
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